Weekend notes & link love #13

Image via

1) Reading Victoria’s words on being stuck was incredibly helpful and refreshing. I can see this new pattern emerging in the world of blogging, where people finally let go of their picture-perfect internet personas, and let us get a peek into the parts of their lives that aren’t all about cupcakes, bubbly and engagement rings. It feels good to be real for change. (via Vmac + Cheese)

2) I’m not usually one to swoon over cute cats, but this, my friends, this is on a whole different level. All the Sherlock fans will understand. (via Fox in the Pine)

3) Donut Monte Cristo sliders. Do I need to say more? (via Jelly Toast)

4) Jordan has new diy striped business cards and I’m obsessed. Sometimes, a simple project is always the most stunning! (via Oh happy day)

5) I don’t know how she does it, but Wendy always looks flawless. Always. (via Wendy’s Lookbook)

6) After a rather horrific store-bought donut experience (imagine flies rising in the air when you pick your donut from a basket. I told you, horrific.), I’ve been on a hunt for a perfect baked homemade donut recipe. This one is next on my list. (via Sally’s baking addiction)

7) I’m most definitely bookmarking this perfect afternoon tea guide for my next trip to London. (via Wish wish wish)

8) My obsession with color pink has no boundaries, and it comes as no surprise that I’m head over heel in love with this pink outfit. And that bag? Simply awesome. (via Hallie Daily)

9) I’ll be making these shortbread cookies for Valentine’s Day for sure. Time to find my cookie stamp again! (via Bakingdom)

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Lovely find: Hello! Lucky cards

Although we’re still only three weeks into January, I’ve already got the Valentine’s Day bug. And the fact that I’m currently single doesn’t tame my enthusiasm in the slightest. Anyway, why should the February 14 be reserved for lovers only? There is so much love going on in our lives and there are so many important people we should be thankful for (parents, siblings, friends & coworkers…) that V-day seems like the perfect opportunity to express your love and gratitude to everyone on your list.

So why not say it with a pretty and witty card this year?

When I first stumbled upon Hello! Lucky stationery shop, I just about squealed from delight (yes, that still happens at my age). Their cards are nothing like your ordinary cheesy display of red hearts & roses and a few “heartfelt” (and most often embarrassing) words. Hello! Lucky cards are funny and adorable. Some of them are cute, some of them have a wicked sense of humor (in a good way), and all of them are bound to make smile anyone who receives them in their mail. (I mean, isn’t it more fun to receive such a pretty card rather than a stack of bills?). Just look at these cards and tell me they aren’t the cutest and the most charming ones you’ve seen this year. I thought so.

These are just a few of my favorites,  but you can find even more of them in Hello! Lucky shop. And have I mentioned that all the cards are made from 100% recycled paper and utilizing green energy. It really doesn’t get better than that! I dare you to pick just one favorite!

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Style file: Winter outfit inspiration, part 2

All black (Image via)

I’m still trying to get out of my style rut. Still scouring Pinterest & blogs for a healthy dose of inspiration. There are my favorites of the week.
An unexpected combo (Image via)
Bundled up (Image via)
A touch of leopard (Image via)
Ladylike (Image via)
Pop of pink (Image via)
Red & plaid (Image via)
Layered (Image via)

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Winter 2014 bucket list

We are exactly one month into winter, and I start to feel like these dark, short and dreary winter days are growing on me.  In short, I need a pick me up.
Ever since I read this post by my friend Natali, the idea of a winter bucket list has been trotting inside my head. I love making lists. My daily planner is full of them. I have lots of notebooks and paper scraps filled with things to do, music to listen to, movies and TV shows to watch… The problem is, I don’t always get around to actually do those things. I’m one of the world’s worst procrastinators, and unticked boxes on my to do list make me nervous. But after searching high and low for an effective remedy to my problem, I realized that the solution was actually simple. I just need to ignore that sneaky little voice inside my head (also known as resistence), and just get shit done. Duh.

Easier said than done, right? So for once, I’ve decided to not be so hard on myself and start slowly. To make a list of things that I want to do rather than things that I have to do. See the difference?

All the things on this list are bound to make me smile, even make me happy. They will make my life fuller, more beautiful and more accomplished. And I’m looking forward to ticking them off, one by one. And at the end of winter, I’ll let you know how it went. Do you want to join me? If you plan to make your own winter bucket list, don’t hesitate to post a link in the comments section. I would love to see and read about your winter plans!

So this is what I’m planning to do in the upcoming two months:

1) Start blogging daily again. I have taken several blogging breaks lately, and they did me a lot of good.  But I think I’m finally ready to get back to daily blogging schedule. I miss writing, and I miss connecting with you, my dear friends and readers!

2) Read the Divergent trilogy. And then go see the movie in March. (I may or may not already have a crush on Four… 🙂

3) Take a drawing class. For Christmas, my mom gave me a voucher for a weekend drawing course, and I simply can’t wait to use it and try my hands on drawing with the right hemisphere. I bet it will be awesome!

4) Drink a fresh smoothie every morning. I’ve been doing this from the beginning of January, and it feels amazing! I mix different kinds of fruit, sometimes throwing in a handful of oats or chia seeds, and it gives me enough energy to last until lunch.

5) Indulge in as many decadent treats as I can. Savor a delicious chocolate truffle with my afternoon latter. Lather my skin with heavenly perfumed dry oil after my evening shower. Treat my suffering hair to a rich hair mask. Burn my Diptyque candles when I’m working late at night. Wear high heels instead of sensible winter shoes. In short, make my daily routines more beautiful, chic and one of a kind.

6) Wear bright lipstick every day. It brightens my complexion and gives my mood a boost. Why should I deprive myself?

7) Watch Downton Abey. Finally! I’m so late to this party it’s almost embarrassing! But it will happen this winter. Definitely!

8) Go skiing. I haven’t been in three years, and I miss it like crazy! Of course, to be able to ski, we’ll need some snow around here. Right now it seems that the snow didn’t get the memo that the winter had already started. I’m crossing my fingers.

9) Watch all the Audrey Hepburn movies sitting idly on my external disc.

10) Prepare the framework and the business plan for my next business venture, and then make it happen

11) Try all the recipes from my winter salad round up.

12) Master the art of easy french twist.

13) Finally catch up on the old issues of Vogue, Vanity Fair and InStyle that have been piling up on my bedside table and iPad.

14) Rewatch the first two seasons of Sherlock before the season 3 madness hits.

15) Read at least 5 business books, take notes diligently, and then act upon the advice. 

So tell me now, what’s on your list?

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Weekend notes & link love #12

Image via Style me Pretty Living

1) I love when successful bloggers share their personal stories, good and bad experiences included. What Abby Larson achieved with Style me Pretty is absolutely outstanding, and I could only enjoy immensely her thoughts on hard work, the importance of community and not giving up. (via Style me Pretty Living)

2) These beautiful photos make me wish for sunny autumn (or spring) days. I want to grab a blanket and a basket with a fresh baguette, creamy butter and delicious Bonne Maman jams, and enjoy a quiet picnic in a park. (via Desde my Ventana)

3) This beautiful traditional Charleston wedding is a pastel dream come true. The photos are simply breathtaking! (via Style me Pretty)

4) Every time I’m in need of a good laugh, all I have to do is vist Jenna’s blog. Her little stories and tidbits of her everyday life are simply delightful. Need a proof? Right this way. (via Leggings Love)

5) Per usual, Jen’s column resulted in a serious shopping envy: isn’t that bright poppy coat the most perfect way to liven up the dreary winter days? I thought so. (via Camille Styles).

6) This is one of my favorite Everygirl features ever! Grace is such a lovely and inspiring person, working hard, successful and still humble! (via The Everygirl)

7) This cake left me literally speechless. Absolutely. (via Sprinkle Bakes)

8) As far as Valentine’s Day parties go, this is one of the prettiest bashes I’ve seen. Plus, Stephanie’s story is both heartbreaking and inspiring! (via Restyle Source)

9) Stripes always win it in my book. Always! (via Sincerely Jules)

Have a lovely weekend, blogettes!

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Etsy finds: Cheeky mugs

These are classic already! (via Love Toast Shop)

Raise your hands if you are able to walk through your day (or life) without a cup of coffee in your hands. There aren’t very many of you, are there? To me, coffee is a guilty pleasure that I fully embrace, and I’m not planning to give up on it any time soon. I may be drinking a fresh fruit smoothie first thing in the morning, but a café au lait is the first thing I think of (and make) when I arrive in the office.
That’s why my collection of mugs is ever-growing, and I have a different favorite practically every month. One thing that’s missing in my cupboard is a cheeky, fun and fabulous  mug that would make me giggle with every sip I took. Any of these designs are bound to make me smile each time I glance away from my computer screen!

Which one is your favorite?

Life begins after coffeehow true! This one is also fabulous. As well as this one. And this one. (via Revell House)
This is exactly what I think each morning when my alarm goes off at 5:30am. Accio coffee! (via GelertDesign)
… and should Accio spell fail, there is still this inspiring mantra! I mean, who doesn’t want to be awesome in the wee hours of morning? (via BlushFace)
Enough said. (via Revell House)

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Style file: Winter outfit inspiration, part 1

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You guys, in the past few weeks, I got into a total style slump. I feel like all I’ve been wearing lately are sweaters, jeans and winter boots (and don’t even get me started on my brand new love affair with sweats!?! But only at home of course: I would never ever wear those in public :). I haven’t put together an outfit post in forever, and unfortunately, I must admit that I’m not even motivated to do so. My problem is, I guess, my overflowing closet, in a desperate need of cleaning out and editing (it’s on my to do list, I promise). Since I’ve pretty much lost track of half the things living in there, I find myself reaching for the same old favorites morning after morning after morning. The fact that I’m waking up at 5.30am on workdays definitely doesn’t help. Between making breakfast for the whole family and painting something presentable on my face, I don’t really have the necessary motivation to spend 20 minutes in front of my wardrobe putting tohether some kind of “wow” outfit.

But all this is about to change, since exactly this morning I’ve reached the point where I’m absolutely fed up with my lack of imagination in the style department. Next time I see myself in the mirror wearing a jeans & sweater combo, I’ll probably scream 🙂 To spare me the morning closet dramas, I’ve decided to start preparing my outfits the night before. And of course, to come up with something more interesting than another “comfy chic” pairing, I’ve scoured my favortie style blogs for a healthy dose of sartorial inspiration. I could see myself wearing any of these outfits, but of course, I’ll have to show a bit more discipline!

Now tell me, do you ever get into winter style rut? What do you do to overcome it? Where do you look for inspiration? Or, on the contrary, do you embrace it? I would love to know!

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Weekend notes & link love #11

Images via Style me Pretty Living
My favorite reads of this past week, from my computer to yours. Have a fantastic weekend!

1) This is hands down the most inspiring, beautiful and heart-warming Christmas-related post I’ve read this year. Lara always knows how to cheer me up, inspire me and make me strive to be the best version of myself! (via Lara Casey)
2) You know those moments when you’re mindlessly browsing through Pinterest, and you stumble upon something that makes you genuinely happy and inspires you to no point? I love when it happens! The latest case in point? Taylor Sterling’s Style me pretty living Behind the blog and Home tour features! Taylor has been one of my favorite bloggers for years, I admire the success she achieved with the Glitter Guide, and I loved getting a little peek inside her life & home. Isn’t it totally pin-worthy? (not to mention drool-worthy, of course!) (via Style me Pretty Living)
3) I pinned practically every single picture from this beautiful Adelaide Hills wedding. It has such a wonderful romantic, glamorous and elegant feel to it! (via Style me Pretty)
4) I’ve spent one entire morning scouring Pinterest for inspiring veggie burgers (yes, I’m that committed to my job :), and this scrumptious number landed right on top of my “things to make” list. Plus, Jessica is so freaking funny, I almost can’t stand it! Her blog is a must! (via How Sweet it is)
5) I’ve been known to obsessively collect pretty and affordable art from Etsy and Society6, but recently I’ve been having an itch to create something for my gallery wall with my own hands. This gorgeous project is a serious contender! (via The love nerds)
6) I’m not eating nearly as many winter salads as I’d love to (I’m mostly craving warm and creamy soups, really), but this recipe might be just the perfect inspiration! Avocado, tangerines and a touch of jalapeno heat? Count me in! (via Bon Appétit)
7) These cookies are everything. Seriously. J’adore! (via Sweetopia)
8) Three words: French toast donuts. My life is complete now. (via Bakingdom)
9)  J.K.Rowling on the benefits of failure and the importance of imagination. “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.” I simply love this woman. She is my hero! (via Harvard Magazine)

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Recipe roundup: Delicious salads

Orange sesame coleslaw : Coleslaw is one of my favorite salads ever, and somehow, the idea of adding slices of orange, red pepper and toasted sesame seeds makes it even more appealing to me. (via FatFree Vegan Kitchen)

A moment of honesty. May all those who vowed to eat a healthy diet and adopt a generally healthier lifestyle in 2014 raise their hands…. (*raising hand*) It’s one of those ubiquitous resolutions that everyone seems to strive for, but only few can truly maintain. Why is it so? I think I’ve finally found the answer.

To me, December is the ultimate month of indulgence. There are those long wintery nights spent at home, reading great books or watching riveting movies, preferably with a box of chocolate truffles nearby. There are the Christmas markets with their tempting (and rather unhealthy) selection of mulled wine, wursts and candy apples. And finally, the Christmas and New Year’s Eve and all the parties and gatherings so typical for that time of year, with their own lot of delicacies (Gingerbread cookies. Mom’s 5-layer generous cake. Eggnog. Shall I continue?). By the end of the year, I’m usually in a sort of food coma, and I don’t even care. That’s what holidays are made for. Indulging.

However, each feast has to come to an and. And it should come as no surprise that after all this gargantuan feasting, there comes the day of reconing. It’s the day when I leave my comfy sweatpants behind, and face the reality of my favorite skinny jeans. The moment when I vow to never ever touch a gingerbread cookie. Ever. And that, in my opinion, is the biggest problem. The change I’m craving is too drastic. Going from devouring a plate of cookies in mere minutes, to eating one stick of celery for lunch, is a surefire way to fail, and to feel bad about myself.

So this year, I’ve decided to adopt a different approach. I’m not going to torture myself with a gym subscription. (I hate gyms. Always have, always will). And I’m definitely not going to set specific numbers for me to achieve. No, no, no. This year I want to forget the dieting (after all, it took me so long to recover from this one last disastrous attempt). What I want is to focus on being kind to myself and my body. That means eating a more balanced diet (fruit, veggies and chocolate), working out at home (and working out because it makes me feel happy) and generally being grateful for my body that I’m fortunate to have.

And to give myself a necessary jolt of inspiration, I’ve scoured Pinterest for the most appealing and deliciously-looking winter salads. I’m printing out all these recipes as we speak, and I can’t wait to give them a try and discover my favorites. Do you want to join me?

I would love to know: what is your approach to healthy living? Which elements are most important to you? Food? Exercising? Drinking water? Let me know in the comments. In the mean time, Bon Appétit!

Composed beet, fennel and orange salad: Due to the ginormous beet harvest my parents produced in their garden, I can see a lot of beet salads in my near future. To make this one, I’m even willing to give fennel a second chance (I really hated it as a kid). (via Lemon Fire Brigade)

Avocado lime chickpea salad: I only discovered the benefits of avocados three or four years ago, but to say that I’ve developed an obsession with these green babies would be a serious understatement. If I could, I would literally put avocados in every. single. meal I prepare. Also, the fact that this salad is the easiest and the quickest to prepare of all adds bonus points in my book. (via Merry Thought)

Red cabbage and mango slaw: Another slaw that will probably make my day when I prepare it. It’s chock-full of super foods, healthy and delicious, but also colorful and pretty just to look at. What’s not to love? (via Tartine and apron strings)

Arugula-apple salad with carrot ribbons and walnut-miso dressing: Another colorful and pretty option. I can only imagine how delicious would the marriage of sweet apples with tart arugula be. And the carrot ribbons? Sweet! (via The Recipe Renovator)

Beet, carrot and pomegranate salad: Believe it or not, I’ve only tasted my very first pomegranate ever over the Christmas. I had it in my smoothie, I had it all by itself and I had it all over my tablecloth (note to self: it stains!). I like the idea of mixing pomegranate seeds with beets (again!) and carrots. And did you see those pretty colors? (Yes, I’m the person who appreciates the beauty of a plate as much as the taste of a dish!) Perfection! (via Foodie Crush)

Kale chickpea greek salad: Between kale, red onions, chickpeas and feta cheese, this salad really packs the punch. After all, any salad with red onions and feta (obsessed!) is a winner in my book! (via Family Fresh Cooking)
Winter chop chop: You’ve probably already noticed that I love colorful salads. The more the merrier. What can I say? I love surrounding myself with pretty things! And if they are as healthy and delicious as they are pretty? Now that’s a win-win situation! Lettuce, persimmons, red onions, pear…oh my! (via With style and grace).
Winter salad with clementine dressing and vanilla bean candied walnuts: Clementine walnut: I surely do love clementines in my morning smoothie, but I’ve never thought of putting them in a salad. But after seeing this delicious Bon Appétit version, I was seriously tempted to give it a try. And then I discovered this miracle. With vanilla bean candied wallnuts. And my heart literally stopped. This has definitely landed on top of my list of recipes to try. Immediately. (via Rachel cooks)
Chickpea, pumpkin seed and feta salad: And here come chickpeas and feta again. I’ve never tasted these two together, but I’m pretty sure that when I do, I’m in for a treat! (via Eating Rules)

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Lovely freebies: 2014 printable calendars

2014 has rolled in with a bang, and I’ve spent this entire 3-day weekend dreaming up new adventures, plotting up new projects and writing everything down in my Moleskine daily planner (my favorite, by far!). I’m a paper & a pen kind of girl through and through (always was, always will be): I simply can’t get used to all those fancy iPhone apps and synchronized computer calendars. As far as I’m concerned, if it’s not written down on a piece of paper, it doesn’t exist, and it won’t be taken care of. That’s the way I roll. 
While I was “downloading” all my crazy ideas and inspirations to my notebook, I realized I was missing a proper desk calendar. The one that will help me keep track of days of the week (or month), where I’ll be able to jot down a few action steps for me to complete and where all the birthdays and other important days will be highlighted. So to Pinterest I went, and of course, I wasn’t disappointed. 
I’ve discovered so many fabulous, helpful and inspiring options that now I have a different kind of problem: which one to actually pick and print out? Terrible, I know. So while I’m trying to choose one favorite, feel free to pick your own winner, and let me know in the comments section. All these are my strongest contenders, but you can find even more of them on my Pinterest page dedicated to planners and calendars.
Happy planning, blogettes!

Colorful confetti via The Elli blog
Graphic patterns via Oh the lovely things!
Colorful monthly calendar with to do list, via Organised Housewife
Sweet new year calendar via Eat drink chic
Year of colour calendar via Design is yay!
Chalkboard-inspired calendar via Lia Griffith
Live free, love life colorful calendar via Miss Tiina
And three more for my fellow francophiles: 
Colorful french calendar via MiniReyve
Moroccan-inspired calendar in French, via Jasmine and Co.
This one will be published monthly: ZU January calendar

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