October chic list, 2015

Well, you damn October, are you leaving already? To me, this has been one of those eye-opening and soul-searching months that make you stop in your tracks and reconsider what you are doing and why. I haven’t really been the best version of myself lately, and while I could go on an on beating myself up (more on that next week), today I’ve decided to instead focus on the positive, beautiful and lovely things that happened to me over the past four weeks. So this is what I was up to:

Listening to Adele’s Hello. This song was released only a couple days ago, but it’s already been on heavy rotation on my Spotify Best of playlist. It’s so hauntingly and heartbreakingly beautiful! Adele at her best. I simply can’t wait for her new album, 25, to come out – it’s bound to be amazing. Another song I’ve been obsessed with: Naughty Boy & Beyoncé’s Runnin’, and Emeli Sandé’s Maybe. Guess I’ve really been in a melancholic state of mind.

Seeing The Martian in theater. I was so excited to see this one! Although the book was much much better (you may remember me raving about it here and here), it was still a fun and entertaining thing to watch. Perhaps it had something to do with hunky, shirtless Matt Damon? #digressing

Watching Revenge. Finally, I made time to watch the last season of one of my favorite shows. It took me two rainy weekends and much nail biting, and while I think that the plot grew too far fetched over time, it was still great to see all those loose end of this gripping story tied up. Now, if only I knew which TV show to pick next? Any recommendations?

Loving Labello Raspberry Rosé. A girl can never have too many lip balms, right? I picked this one on a whim and it’s already earned a prime spot on my nightstand. The smoothing and moisturizing effect is amazing, and the subtle raspberry scent is precisely what I love. A must have.

Singing in my car. Ok, I’ll admit that when someone sees me behind the steering wheel, I must look like a complete lunatic, swaying to the rhythm and singing my head off. But nothing makes me happier than blasting the volume on my favorite songs (this one and this one in particular), and singing along. Definitely my favorite thing about long car rides!

Excited to see one of my blogging besties, Jenna, back to business. She’s back with a brand new (and bound-to-be-fabulous) blog La Femme, la Fanciful, and I’m already looking forward to her witty, funny and intelligent writing.

Reading. In terms of devouring books, this October was one of my best months so far. I tore through my reading list with the speed of sound, and loved every single page. I was moved by Jojo Moyes’ After you, devoured Tiny little thing by Beatriz Williams (she must be one of my favorite authors ever), loved Marisha Pessl’s Night Film, and enjoyed rereading Austin Kleon’s Steal like an artist (a MUST for anyone wishing to bring more creativity into his / her life). The Noticer was amazing and inspiring, too, and I’m currently a couple pages into Lara’s wonderful book – but that’s definitely one to read a few pages at a time. I’m already working on my reading list for November, so stay tuned!

Skype-binging with my bestie from Paris. Not only is this perfect for keeping my French intact, it’s also the funniest and the most uplifting thing I can imagine. She always makes me laugh, we can talk about anything, and true to Carrie Bradshaw words, she’s the closest thing to a soulmate I currently have in my life. And now she’s trying to convince me to plan another trip to the City of Lights – as if I needed convincing on that one 🙂

Organizing my beauty drawer. And realizing that I currently have around 15 shower creams and at least 12 eyeshadow palettes in stock. Appalling. I should probably spend the next six months putting on eyeshadows in my shower. (cue eyeroll). #hoarder

Falling in love with Roger Gallet Bois d’Orange all over again. I’ll probably never be a signature-fragrance kind of girl, and I’m perfectly fine with that. I love discovering new scents just as much as I love rediscovering old and trusted favorites. Bois d’Orange belongs to the latter, and as the days grow shorter, darker and colder, I find myself reaching for this rich, deep and multifaceted fragrance morning after morning. It never smells the same two days in a row!

Eating my weight in cranberry bread. I’ve been shoveling this stuff like nobody’s business, and I’m thinking about trying to recreate it at home. Time to research bread-making recipes!

Having fun with the new emojis. You guys, I’ve been seriously geeking out on this stuff. All right, there is the champagne, taco or (gasp!) middle finger one, but the emoji that truly made my day? The eyeroll one! I mean, my true sarcastic self embodied by one little icon? My life is finally complete!

Currently inspired by, #10

We’re switching time this weekend, and the prospect of one more hour dedicated to sleep makes me incredibly giddy. It’s the little things, right? But I also have a few more action-packed and fun activities planned for the upcoming two days. Oh, and I can’t wait to kick back and relax a little bit, if I can manage 🙂 Cheers to another fun-packed and productive weekend!

Image via GraceChiamDesigns

1) Practice my Italian. It’s been over a month since I started my Italian lessons, and I’ve been enjoying every second of it. That language is such a beauty, so elegant and melodious, almost like a beautiful song in and of itself. But the truth is, I didn’t really dedicate as much time to practicing it as it would have deserved. And I’m quite afraid that between the grammar, the abundant vocabulary and my attempts at forming coherent phrases, it’ll all soon turn into one giant mess in my head. That’s why I’m planning to dedicate a good chunk of my weekend time to putting an order into my notes, revising my vocabulary and attacking the pile of exercises that have been piling up on my desk. We’ll see how that goes 🙂

2) Make apple cider. This has been on my fall bucket list for ages, and I think I’d better stop talking about it, and just make the damn thing already. Any of you have a good recipe I should try? Please, do share!
3) Advance  on my reading list. I’ve been crossing books off my October list with a speed of sound (6 books in 11 days – that must be some sort of record even for an avid bookworm that I am), and it’s keeping me endlessly happy, entertained and inspired. Plus, getting out of my own head and being immersed in an entirely different world is such a relaxing experience! I’ve just finished this amazing one, started this one right on its heel, and I’m hoping to dive into this one on Saturday morning, preferably in bed, with a cup of coffee in hand. Cheers to the bad weather, that’s so perfect for reading 🙂
4) Take a long bath. Believe it or not, I get some of my best ideas in the bathtub. I guess it’s true what they say – it’s when you stop thinking about the problem, that the solution pops into your mind. And since lately my mind has been like a browser with too many tabs open, I could use some quiet time to just sift through all my jumbled thoughts, to let my mind wander a little bit, and see what comes out of it while enjoying a luxurious leisure moment in a scented bubble bath.
5) Hit the bike again. I’ve really been trying to up my workout game in the past few weeks (another thing on my fall bucket list), and my trusted bike never disappoints. I finally crushed the 25km mark, and I was so so proud, but also too sore to manage anything past 15km afterwards. Oops. I’d love to give it another shot, so I can start thinking about a new goal to hit….30km by the end of this month, perhaps? (Ambitious, much?)

What are you up to this weekend? Any fun plans?

Shopping: Etsy love #1

Whenever I’m feeling creatively stuck, or particularly uninspired, Etsy is one of those places I can always turn to for a necessary jolt of inspiration. Granted, sometimes it feels like one giant jumbled mess of various objects, but it’s the variety, and the possibility to find a hidden gem that you didn’t even know you were looking for, that makes this site interesting.

My shopping cart is never empty, and my list of favorites grows faster than my country’s debt, that’s why I’ve decided to create a regular feature here on the blog, showcasing the things I love the most. These are the items I would love to call my own right now:

Tulips at the Eiffel Tower photo by Georgianna Lane

Paris is always a good idea, and while I’m already plotting and planning another trip there for next year, I’ve been gazing longingly at this stunning picture of the city’s most recognizable monument. Georgianna is such an incredibly talented photographer, and after all those years spent stalking her shop, I think I should already bite the bullet and purchase one of her works. But how can I pick just one? That’s the tough question!

Paris notebooks by Paris Print Shop

And while we’re on the subject of Paris (my favorite!), these notebooks have been sitting in my cart for some time, too. I’m a well-known notebook hoarder, always carrying at least one with me on any occasion, to jot down any ideas and inspirations that strike me. These would be just perfect for encouraging daydreaming!

Bowls by Wind and Willow Home

I’ve been seeing these bright and beautiful wooden bowls around the internet for quite some time, and I’m intrigued. Are they for purely decorative purposes, or could I use them to serve my salad day in and day out? Any of you have them in your kitchen? I’m really curious how they hold up.

Bracelet by Pink Lemon Design

I love the idea of personalized jewelry – it would be so lovely to have my favorite quote in front of my eyes every day! I’ve actually been thinking about getting a tattoo, but I’m pretty terrified of the finality of that commitment. A personalized necklace or bracelet seem like a good start to see whether I could live with those few words for an extended period of time. What do you think?

Mug via Printable Wisdom

My morning mantra. Enough said.

From my kitchen: Quiche aux épinards // Spinach quiche

I used to be one of the kids traumatized by the grade school canteen. There are quite a few things that I can’t bring myself to eat even today (kale soup being on top of my “hate” list), because of the way these ingredients were mistreated by the canteen cooks. 
Spinach used to be one of those things that brought back bad food memories. Over the years, when I stumbled upon a spinach recipe in a cookbook, I automatically skipped the page and moved on to more tempting meals. Until the last weekend. Browsing through one of my food magazines, I happened upon a spinach quiche, and I was immediately intrigued. Classic bacon quiche is my favorite French meal and I figured out that even the spinach’s presence couldn’t spoil that for me. I’m happy to report that this was a total success. The combination of fresh spinach leaves, crisp red onions and savory feta cheese is incredibly rich and satisfying, and it makes for a delicious supper or even for an office-friendly brown bag lunch. I’m sure that this meal will be on constant repeat throughout the entire spinach season!
Quiche aux épinards (Spinach quiche)

You’ll need:

* puff pastry
* 250g fresh spinach leaves
* 2 smaller red onions
* 3 eggs
* 200ml cream
* 200g feta cheese
* 50ml milk 

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Roll the puff pastry (ideally, it should have round shape, but you can always trim excess pastry) and transfer it to the glass pie plate. Pre-bake the pastry for 10 minutes. 
2. Rinse the spinach leaves, place them in a sieve, then pour boiling water all over. 
3. Drain well (press the leaves to remove excess water, just be careful not to burn your fingers). Then distribute the leaves evenly all over the puff pastry.  
4. Slice red onions thinly and sprinkle them over spinach leaves. 
5. In a medium bowl, use fork to blend eggs, cream, milk and crumbled feta cheese. 
6. Pour this mixture all over the spinach and onions, then bake for 30-40 minutes (until golden). 
7. Serve warm.

Bon appétit!    

Currently inspired by, #9

What I’m up to this weekend.

Image via Glitter Inc.

Update my reading journal. I’ve been on a major reading kick lately (you can see my October book picks here), and loving every second. Books are pretty much the only thing I never feel guilty spending money on, and they have been piling up in my apartment even faster than the beauty products (see below). Earlier this year, I began to realize that I needed a place where to keep track of all the books I read together with my thoughts and feelings about them, as well as my favorite and the most inspiring quotes.

Enter the reading journal. I’ve been experimenting with various formats, and it should come as no surprise that after toying with some apps, I have come back to my trusted pen and paper. For the past few weeks however, I’ve been keeping my notes scattered right and left, and the time has come to put them all in a dedicated notebook. Maybe I’ll do a more detailed post about this in the future – would you guys be interested? And I’m curious, do you keep track of the books you read? If so, how do you do it?

Image via A Fabulous Fete

Create an editorial calendar for the next couple weeks. I’m not going to lie, finding time and energy necessary to consistent and regular blogging can be really hard, especially when you have a demanding job to begin with. But I’ve been having so much fun publishing my thoughts and inspirations here on Macarons and Pearls, that I’m determined to make it work. I have a notebook and a Pinterest board filled with ideas for upcoming posts, but I need to find a way to create an editorial calendar that would work for me. I’ll dedicate some time this weekend to researching and trying out different options, and I really hope I’ll be able to find one that will stick, so I can continue to bring you inspiring content regularly. Again, any helpful tips would be much appreciated!

Image via Design Love Fest

Clean out and organize my beauty drawer(s). I have so many beauty products it’s almost scary. Call me a hoarder, but I can never resist a brand new eyeshadow palette, a new-to-me shade of lipstick, the latest miraculous hand cream or the latest scented shower gel (I seem to have a full-blown obsession with the latter – if you saw my collection, you would think that I shower at least five times a day). I’m a compulsive drugstore shopper, believing that since the products are less expensive, I can buy more. Oh, the lies we tell ourselves!

Anyhow. I’ve only been living in my apartment for 6 months, and I already managed to spread all those tubes and bottles literally all over the place. A major editing and organizing sesh is in order. If it prevents me from buying another shampoo or a shower cream, it’ll be well worth my time.

Image via The Glitter Guide

Make my “why” inspiration board. I recently finished reading Simon Sinek’s Start with why, and while I found it a little bit repetitive, it’s also given me plenty food for thought. I’ve already been thinking about my blogging “why” before, but now I find clarifying and defining my blogging purpose to be even more important. I’ve begun compiling my list of why’s, and I’d love to turn them into a visual inspiration board, in order to be reminded daily of why I’m doing this, what I believe in and where I’m going. It should be a fun project!

Image via Half Baked Harvest

Enjoy pancakes for breakfast. It’s been such a long time since I enjoyed a proper Sunday breakfast with pancakes, steaming hot coffee and freshly pressed orange juice. Since this weekend is shaping up to be pretty low-key and relaxed, I’m planning to take full advantage of a quiet Sunday morning and whip up some of these fluffy pretties, and enjoy them with a homemade berry sauce. Yum!

Inspired by: Back to basics

It’s almost funny how each time my work schedule overpowers pretty much anything else in my life, I also consistently fall into a huge style rut. Morning after morning I find myself reaching for the same pair of skinny jeans, a simple t-shirt and a jacket / cardigan / scarf that find themselves first within my reach. It has turned into a sort of uniform that makes me recognizable. I used to fear that it made my fashion game boring (which, let’s be honest, it probably does), but I’ve decided to turn that into an advantage, rather than a flaw.

I kind of love the fact that I can get dressed in the morning with my eyes almost closed, and still feel comfortable in my own skin. I’m really inspired by all those women who can wear a simple and chic outfit as if it were the latest Raf Simons’ creation. Ive perused a few of my favorite blogs and pulled inspiration for those morning when “back to basics” is all I’m craving in the outfit department. Which one is your favorite? Do you have a signature look that you keep going back to?

Image via With love from Kat

Skinny jeans, a classic beige trench and a pop of leopard.

Image via Glam Radar

Tailored blazer and an oversized scarf.

Image via Extra petite

Boyfriend jeans, classic white tee and navy blazer.

Image via Gal meets glam

Navy trench and a structured bag.

Image via Cella Jane

Skinny jeans, slouchy sweater and classic pumps.

1.  Michael Michael Kors trench // 2. Wit & Wisdom skinnies // 3. Hinge Marilyn sweater // 4. London Fog wool trench // 5. Mark and Graham leopard clutch // 6. Ivanka Trump leopard pumps // 7. Michael Michael Kors Cynthia satchel // 8. Max Mara blazer // 9. Autumn cashmere crewneck // 10. Asos oversized burgundy leopard scarf // 11. Lauren Ralph Lauren navy trench // 12. Vince Camuto Kain pump // 13. Vince

Words to live by: October 2015

Images via: one // two // three // four

Take better care of my health.With everything that’s been going on in my life this year, my own health has kind of fallen on a wayside. And I begin to feel the consequences. I’ve been prone to a tenacious fatigue, and for the first time in my life I experienced some serious bouts of insomnia. I think it’s my poor body signalling me that it’s time to slow down, recuperate and take better care of myself. But I could also do with a complete check-up with my MD, just to be sure that it’s nothing serious to worry about. I’m putting this right on top of my list of priorities for this month.
I’m wondering, have you ever encountered prolonged fatigue or insomnia? Could you share any helpful tips for dealing with them? I would be forever grateful!

Color my way through Johanna Basford’s books. When I was working as an au-pair in France a few years back, I used to spend hours coloring with “my” kiddos. Their rooms were overflowing with coloring books and colorful pencils, and I encouraged them to pick them up as often as possible (way better in my opinion than sitting in front of TV). It made me remember how much I enjoyed this activity when I was a kid myself, and I kept wishing that I could return to it without feeling too inadequate and childish. Fast forward almost a decade, and the emergence of coloring books for adults is hands down one of the highlights of my 2015.

I’m simply enchanted by all those gorgeous and sophisticated patterns and I’ve already splurged on Johanna Basford’s Secret garden and Enchanted forest, impatiently awaiting the Lost ocean to be published, in order to complete my collection. I also have my eyes set on Secret Paris and Vintage patterns. My pencils are all sharpened, my felt pens at the ready, and I’m excited to dive in. Have any of you fallen under the coloring spell? Which books and patterns are your fave?

Make homemade pasta. I’ll be honest. This has been on my bucket list for almost two years, but it’s exactly one of those messy, failure-prone projects that I tend to procrastinate about the most. Not anymore. I have finally acquired a pasta-makind machine, my parents brought me semolina flour from their trip to Italy and I’ve treated myself to a dedicated pasta-making cookbook. I have no more excuses for not trying my hands at homemade tagliatelle. I’m so excited!

Update my closet for fall. For the past year or so, I’ve put myself on a kind of a clothes-shopping hiatus. Of course I purchased a few necessary items here and there, but the majority of my budget was directed toward buying, renovating and decorating my apartment. But with the fall weather upon me, looking into my closet made me realize that it could do with a serious cold weather update. I’ve been seriously smitten with ponchos and they’re on top of my wishlist, but I could also use a pair of ankle booties, a neutral sweater or two, and I definitely need to purchase a new handbag and wallet (my old one is threatening to fall into pieces any day now). I can see a little shopping spree in  my near future 🙂

What are you up to this month? Any interesting words and things that will define your October? Please, do share, and have a lovely start to the new week!

Currently inspired by, #8

Random fact: on a whim, I’ve decided to take this Friday off. I never do that – quite the contrary, I can sometimes be found working on Saturdays and on holidays. But the work has been a little bit slower this week and I wanted to take an advantage of it, and catch up on other aspects of my life that have been put on a backburner. Aside from the obligatory cleaning out of my apartment and car I’m also planning a few fun activities that I’m really excited about. I wish you all a lovely weekend!

This is what’ll go down over the next three days:

Image via my Instagram

1) Girls’ night in. Despite the fact that one of my best friends lives only about 50 kilometers away from me, we don’t see each other all that often. While I’ve been so busy with work and renovating my apartment, she’s been playing a social butterfly, having some event almost each weekend in the past few months. Lucky thing, we were finally able to find one weekend in our planners when we’re both available, and she’s arriving on Friday for a slumber party. I’m so freaking excited that we’ll finally be able to properly catch up while noshing on delicious homemade pizza (yum!)

Image via Home via Laura

2) Spending some time thinking about my blogging “why” and my blog goals. I’ve been slowly but surely easing my way back to the blogging world, and while it makes me super excited and motivated, it’s also got me thinking more about why I really want to dedicate my free time to this space, what I want this blog to be like and what I want to be sharing with all of you. I’m thinking of doing a visual inspiration board that would hold all my “why’s, what’s and how’s”. Have you ever done this? If so, I would love to read about your experience!

Image via Cider with Rosie

3) Making a dent in my October reading list. I’ve been simultaneously reading Jojo Moyes’ After you (Jojo at her best – so far it’s great!) and Simon Sinek’s Start with why, testing out Meg’s strategy to always be reading one business-related book during the day to get me fired up, and one fiction book at night to wind down and relax. So far it works like a charm! My inner bookworm rejoices at the prospect of spending Sunday morning on the couch, turning the pages of a great read!

Image via First Showing

4) Seeing The Martian in theater. I’ve raved about the book already, but I’ll gladly repeat myself. Read. it. Now! Seriously, it’s so sooo good! And while I’m not usually one to get excited about books being turned into movies (I’ll probably never get over how terrible the last three Harry Potter movies were), but I’m cautiously optimistic about this one. This is Ridley Scott, Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain we’re talking about and the trailer was quite spectacular. I’m really curious to see the first man to grow potatoes on Mars on the big screen!

Image via Sanctuary

5) Tearing through my stack of magazines. I’m such a magazine hoarder it gets ridiculous. They are a huge source of inspiration, but lately, all I’ve been able to do is pile them up high on my nightstand (where they accidentally battle for my attention with these). Time to do something about it. I’ll set aside some time to read through at least a few of them and sort them out into binders. Inspiration galore ahead!

What are you up to this weekend?

On my nightstand: October 2015

I know, I know…my October reading list may seem overly ambitious, but since I managed to read twelve books in September, I’m feeling optimistic. The shorter days and fall weather simply call for evenings spent curled up on the couch, with a great book in hands. So without further ado, this is what I’ll be reading in the upcoming weeks. And of course, if you have a recommendation I shouldn’t miss, don’t hesitate to share! 

Jojo Moyes: After youRaise your hand if reading Jojo Moyes’ Me before you turned you into an emotional wreck (*raising my hand veeery high*).  It was one of the most powerful books I read last year, maybe even ever. You can only imagine my delight when, back in May, I found out that Jojo was writing a sequel. After you, bringing back the funny and endearing Lou Clark, tries to answer one terrible question: How do you move on after loosing the one you loved? How do you rebuild a life that’s worth living again?

Beatriz Williams: Tiny little thingI love love LOVE Beatriz’s books, I’ve practically devoured all her novels, and she never ceases to amaze me, masterfully weaving past and present together, switching eras like it’s nobody’s business and creating characters you can’t help but get attached to. I’ve downloaded her latest offering on my iPad right after it came out, and I can’t believe I’ve waited this long to finally crack it open. But one thing’s for sure: as soon as I’m done with After you, I’m diving straight into the world of Schuyler sisters again.

Simon Sinek: Start with whyAnother book that’s been sitting on my nightstand for far too long. Sinek’s book is a study in what it really takes to lead and inspire, what separates the truly innovative companies from the crowd, and what it takes to become an inspiring leader. I think this is something every entrepreneur can draw inspiration and insight from.

James Dashner: The Maze runnerI have a soft spot for YA novels. Harry Potter and Twilight sagas, The Hunger Games and Divergent trilogies, John Green’s novels….you name it. But the truth is, ever since I finished the Divergent trilogy, I’ve been at a loss for what to read next. There are so many books to choose from, and I also made a few false starts when looking for something really good. That’s why I’ve decided to go with the crowds this time, and pick a trilogy that’s been already made into (so far) two major motion pictures. Does any of you have a good YA recommendation?

Andy Andrews: The NoticerJones, the Noticer from this book, is quite a peculiar character. He has been given the gift of noticing things that other people miss, and he helps them gain a little perspective. As he says: “Your time on this earth is a gift to be used wisely. Don’t squander your words or your thoughts..” Since I’m a perpetual worrier and sometimes I severely lack in the perspective department, this should be an instructive read for me.

Judy Blume: In the unlikely eventThis one has been recommended by Victoria (who, accidentally, has great taste in books), and I’ve been really excited to dive into the story of three generations of family and friends profoundly changed and affected by a succession of unlikely and unexpected events (imagine planes falling from the skies).

Lara Casey: Make it happenLara is such a unique, generous and inspiring soul: when I’m feeling stuck, uninspired or confused, I love to get lost in the archives of her blog, gathering little nuggets of wisdom here and there. She never ceases to amaze and inspire me with her honesty, her faith and her dedication to making her world a more meaningful place. Her first book is bound to make me think and inspire me to finally make some things that truly matter to me happen.

Laura Vanderkam: I know how she does itTime management. Two words that are the bane the existence of anyone struggling to balance work, relationships and a semblance of free time. (Hobbies, anyone? A decent night’s sleep? Are you kidding me?) Right now I have a feeling that I’m failing miserably at this whole work-life balance thing, and I’m willing to pick any piece of wisdom from anyone wiser than me.

Austin Kleon: Steal like an artist // Show your work
I’ve already read these books twice and I’m ready to give them another whirl. They played a huge part in my starting to blog again and Austin’s blog has been a great source of inspiration when it comes to sharing my work and gathering the inspiration itself. I’m already looking forward to revisiting my favorite bits and pieces from his works.

Recipe roundup: Fall soups

If I should pick just one single dish to eat throughout fall and winter months, it would definitely be soup. One of the things I love most about the cooling weather is an excuse to prepare a big batch of hearty soup and then enjoy it with fresh bread or savory croutons, both at home and at work. That’s another great thing about soups in general – they are the perfect lunchbox meal that can be brought to the office and devoured in between two tedious tasks.

What I love most about soups is their versatility – the fact that I can make them as healthy or decadent as I wish. I will never tire of searching for new recipes and trying new ingredients and flavor combinations, that’s for sure.

My two all-time favorites: creamy tomato and Hokkaido squash soups have been on heavy rotation in my house, but I’m willing to expand my horizons a little bit, and experiment with ingredients like beans, cauliflower, beetroot, potatoes, kohlrabi, maybe even apples and pears. These recipes are currently on top of my “must try” list, but if you have a favorite that you think I shouldn’t miss, be sure to send it my way.

What’s your favorite fall soup recipe?